Template Flayer. Title: Argon welding euro flayer vertical template in an online layout designer. Theme: Construction, renovation and decoration

Template Flayer. Title: "Argon welding euro flayer vertical template in an online layout designer" Designer: gof***com(ID:622)

Format: 99×210(mm)
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Front side

  • Argon welding
  • logo
  • Here goes the text about your business and services
  • +7 098 765 54 32 Ciity, street

The reverse side

    • Aluminum and its alloys Steel, stainless steel, titanium Brass, Copper, Cast iron Cast disks, heads Blocks, pallets, boxes Radiators, intercoolers Aluminum body parts Boats, propellers, bath tanks, etc.
    • scan for more info
    • +1 234 567 88 99 City, Street 25 www.welding.com welding.fb.com welding.vk.com welding.insta.com welding.ytube.com