Template A7. Title: Snowboarding school A7 flayer template. Theme: Sports, fitness, yoga

Template A7. Title: "Snowboarding school A7 flayer template" Designer: Len***.ru(ID:355)

Format: 105×74(mm)
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Front side

  • SNOW
  • Snowboarding is a lifestyle
  • LOGO
  • www.snowbrd.com

The reverse side

    • 1 234 67 88 99
    • Children from 6 years old and adults
    • Participationin intra-club competitions
    • Training from 0 to PRO level
    • snowbrd@mail.com
    • snowbrd.vk.com
    • snowbrd.fb.com
    • snowbrd.ytube.com
    • snowbrd.x.com
    • snowbrd.insta.com
    • Address, City, Street 00